Did you know that 90% of shoppers read online reviews before visiting a business

This is where Google comes in – Google My Business (GMB) is one of the post popular online review platforms on the web. When managed correctly, GMB reviews can have a huge impact on your retail business’s bottom line!

So keep reading to find out how your retail store can benefit from Google Reviews. 

Advantages of Google My Business Reviews

1) Improve Your Online Visibility (SEO) on Google 

Google wants to deliver the most relevant and beneficial content to its users. In order do this, it takes many factors into consideration – mobile responsiveness, content quality, a secure website, link building, keyword optimization etc. 

However, when it comes to local search ranking, customer reviews are one of the most important ranking factors. Google even confirms this!

According to Google,  “Google review count and score are factored into local search ranking ; more reviews and positive ratings will probably improve a business’s local ranking. ” 

You’ve probably noticed that when you search Google for a local store or product, the business listings with more reviews and higher ratings appear in the “Local 3 Pack”. 

For example, when I searched for “pet stores in my area”, one of the factors highlighted by Google are customer reviews – indicating that it is an important ranking factor. You can see that the top 3 positions are occupied by stores with 1) a higher rating and 2) a large number of reviews. 

pet store GMB listings

This means that by focusing on customer review management, you can improve your store’s presence in local search results. This in turn, will increase click-through rates to your website and drive more local traffic to your store!

2) Build Trust and Credibility Among Target Shoppers 

Word of mouth has always been an incredibly powerful and beneficial marketing tool used in business.

This is because shoppers value the opinions of those around them – owing to the trust and credibility that exists in those relationships. So whether it comes from a family member, friend, acquaintance, or co-worker, store and product recommendations are taken in high regard.

The difference now however, is that rather than asking someone they know for a recommendation, shoppers can just go online!

In fact, 78% of people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations

And that’s why customer reviews play such an important part in your online marketing strategy. By establishing trust and credibility among target shoppers, you build a good reputation.

A good reputation will set you apart from your competitors, boost your online visibility, and ultimately increase your sales.

retail customer

3) Get Useful Shopper Insight and Feedback 

Google My Business reviews give retailers another advantage – they provide valuable shopper insights which can be used to improve business operations. 

Let’s put it this way – your retail business will make more money if your shoppers are happy. 

But how do you keep shoppers happy? And how do you know what they like or dislike about your retail business? 

By asking for customer feedback! 

That’s why each Google review you receive should act as an insight as to what your business is doing right or wrong. 

Keep in mind that top performing retailers are constantly looking for ways to improve shopper experiences. With reviews, your target shoppers are telling you exactly what they like, hate, and ultimately –  what needs to be changed.

By actively seeking feedback, you can observe what is working for your shoppers and what is not. This way, you can adjust your business operations to make your store’s customer experience the best it can be. At the end of the day, this will lead to better business and more sales. 

customer review ratings

Google Reviews Lead to Store Visits 

By now, you should have a good idea of why Google Reviews are so important. In short, Google reviews provide small retail businesses the tools to build their online presence, establish authority, and understand customers better. In turn, these factors lead to more foot traffic and higher revenue.

So reap the benefits of Google reviews today by implementing strong customer review management in your business strategy!

shopper in store

We hope you found this article helpful!

Would you like to learn more about how to attract local shoppers on Google? 

Good news- we are hosting a breakfast seminar exclusively for GTA store owners! We will be discussing how you can attract more local shoppers with POS technology among other important topics. To learn more about the event and to register, click here

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